Bixiga 70




Foundation Stage



Moreton Bay Stage

  • W Workshop



Stage 3

Bixiga 70 takes Afrobeat to dizzying heights with their progressive approach; adding elements of funk, traditional South American styles, electronics and a touch of psychedelia. Named after the melting pot district from the highly creative Sao Paolo music scene, this 10-piece brings dynamic rhythms and an irresistible party atmosphere to WOMADelaide 2018.


This percussion workshop looks at the rhythms that are part of the range studied and worked within the band; based on Afro-Brazilian rhythms, especially Candomblé, Ketu and Nagô, as well as popular manifestations such as Maracatu, Jongo, Caboclinho, Maracatu Rural, Samba, Côco, Baião, and several Brazilian rhythms and the African West Coast, which is the Mandingo culture, of Malinke rhythms. Every rhythmic part of the band is very structured in this; and the workshop consists of choosing rhythmic cells from Bixiga 70 songs and explaining where they came from and how the group translates the traditional rhythms into their compositions.