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As you meander around the Park, meet Australia's giant and cheeky Snuff Puppets, presenting Cows, Seagulland The Boom Family; Mademoiselle Bottleshot gliding along inside her bar of magic elixirs; Icarus Performance Troupe bringing their hilariously daggy Life Savers and the UK's Cocoloco, armed with a fresh collection of kooky characters.

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La Compagnie Carabosse create an otherworldly beauty as they light their installation of hundreds of wax candles each night at sunset. This year the installation will feature a live performance by Lo'Jo.
La Compagnie Carabosse tour supported by

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Filiberto and Yanoski Mora are remarkable papier-maché inventors whose subject matter ranges from small-scale replicas of Havana taxis to sculptures of Afro-Cuban saints and Orishas. In the lead-up to the festival, they'll work with local artists to create pieces which will be finished in the Park then carried aloft in the festival's Caribbean Carnival on Sunday evening. www.morabrothers.tk
in association with the Community Arts Network

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Enter the charming and humorous world of David Archer, automata creator, where art and mechanics combine to animate the inanimate. A boilermaker, welder and ceramicist, David incorporates found objects and discarded gadgetry in his whimsical kinetic sculptures. www.archersarcadia.com

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Humna Mustafa uses henna to hand-paint unique lampshades, fabric items and skin. Meet her as she adorns three dancers' bodies, as well as your hands, with her intricate 'tattoos'. www.diyastudio.com

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A huge hit at the 2004 festival, these brilliant hair sculptors transform their audience into walking works of art, using coloured hairspray, wire and mad accoutrements. www.osadiaonline.com

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Hundreds of Angus Watt's flags have been seen at WOMADelaide since 1999. This year, as they flutter and creak in the breeze, look out for nightly projections. www.edenproject.com/3499_214.htm

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