womad lion... roar tail wagging lion... roar
7-9 march, botanic park adelaide

Artistis registration

WOMADELAIDE is an invitation-only festival with the budget and space to program a maximum of around 15 international and 15 Australian artists/groups each year. It is held annually in early March, outdoors in Adelaide´s inner-city Botanic Park.

The festival receives hundreds of enquiries each year but the artistic team does not encourage unsolicited applications and there are no application forms. Only a minute percentage of applicants are succesful and the program selection, done in conjunction with the WOMAD team based in the UK, takes many months.

It is recommended that artists who have not attended the festival research it to see the sort of artists it has programmed in the past, before sending their materials. Generally speaking, artists of a high national and international standard are ´the norm´ and rock, opera, pop and jazz styles are not programmed.

Artists may forward materials only between 01 February - 31 July the year before the festival (unless they are based in Adelaide, in which case packages will be accepted until 31 October).

Packages must be marked as follows:

Operations & Program Manager
12 King William Road
Unley 5061
South Australia

and include 2 CDs (no cassettes), a typed 1-page biography incl details of other festivals at which they have performed, management name/tel/fax/address/email/www information, the total number of people in the touring party and the city of origin of all members of the group.

Photos, presentation folders and anything surplus to the above are unnecessary. Materials will be acknowledged upon receipt but not returned.

International groups are more favourably considered if already doing an Australian tour at the time of the festival.

Artists do not need to re-apply for the following year´s festival if they have submitted materials previously (updated contact details, new CDs or invitations to live gigs in Adelaide and Sydney may be sent however).

Artists will be contacted directly ONLY if more information is required but the artistic team is unable to answer ongoing phone/email enquiries or provide regular updates on the status of the artists.

